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"Tensegrity Yoga®" is the authentic and unique style of yoga based on "tensegrity theory" initiated by Yogini ACO.
The force of pull and pull back, ebb and flow---She has discovered the common ground with the golden mean between yin & yang yoga within the system balancing between these 2 opposite forces.
第1回 ACOが考えるサトヴィックとは~
00:00 / 11:33

Yogini Online Salon
Satvic talk
第2回 食べ物のお話、 ゾーン 明鏡止水から捉えるサトヴィック
00:00 / 12:18
第3回 具体的に日常心がけるサトヴィックなこと
00:00 / 13:12
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